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Welcome To the Uniform Store!

All Morningside Academy students are required to wear the school issued uniforms.  All of the clothing is monogrammed and may be purchased in the uniform store.  In addition to the standard uniforms used daily, additional items like Bibles, sweaters, jackets, and hoodies may also be purchased in the store.

For a list of the required items needed, please view the Uniform Guidelines.


Lower School Room A-202 (up the stairs just outside of the school office)Uniform Store 2020

 Normal operating hours are as follows (listed below):

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 12:30pm - 4:00pm

Wednesdays -- 8:30am - 10:30am

Uniform Changes:

Just a reminder that the uniforms for upcoming 6th grade students are a bit different than the 5th grade uniform. Some colors and options are different from elementary to middle school, so please know that you will need to purchase the middle school uniforms. Also note that the Chapel uniform for 4th grade girls will be a plaid skirt and oxford shirt instead of the jumper.  

If you have an emergency and need to replace a garment outside of the regular store hours, please contact the school office at (772) 335-3231.

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