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Newsletter 5-4-15

May 04, 2015
Our Athletic Awards Presentation will be held on Tuesday, May 12 in the Family Center from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  We will be recognizing each of our athletic teams that evening and passing out individual awards to outstanding players.  We hope you will mark your calendars and join us! &n...

Newsletter 4-27-15

April 27, 2015
Our 8th Grade Yahoo Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, May 6 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.  It will start in the cafeteria and end in the chapel.  Pictures for the big 8th grade slide show were due last Thursday.  If you are an 8th grader and have not turned in 3-4 pictures (variety of a...

Newsletter 4-20-15

April 20, 2015
We will be holding a mandatory D.C. Trip participant and parent meeting on Thursday, April 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.  We will be going over critical information concerning the trip (itinerary, flight information, packing instructions, etc.).  Please contact Mr. Petree with an...

Newsletter 4-13-15

April 12, 2015
Tickets for the prom are currently on sale for seniors, juniors, and sophomores.  Tickets are currently on sale in the office for $30.  It is being held at the Hutchinson Island Resort by Marriott in Stuart on Friday, April 24 from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m.  This is a formal dance.  Th...

Newsletter 4-6-15

April 06, 2015
We will be conducting SAT testing for grades 6-11 at the Upper School this week (April 6 -9).  Middle school students will be testing Monday – Thursday and high school students will be testing Monday – Wednesday.  Seniors will need to arrive by 10:15 on Monday – Wednesda...

Newsletter 3-30-15

March 30, 2015
We will be holding an Early Release Day this Friday in observance of Good Friday.  Students will need to be picked up at 11:42 a.m.  There is no after care on Friday.  Please make sure that students and the office are aware of any changes to their normal dismissal routine. 

Newsletter 3-23-15

March 23, 2015
We will be holding Spring Sports Pictures on Tuesday, March 24 starting at 10:00 a.m.  Please be sure that you bring your uniforms in for the pictures.  Students will be responsible for making up any work that they miss during those picture appointments.  The company will take pictur...

Newsletter 3-9-15

March 09, 2015
We will be holding a High School Preview Day and Chili Cook-Off on Tuesday, March 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria and gymnasium for all current 8th grade students/parents and for any prospective high school students.  If you know someone interested in our high school, please invite them to at...

Newsletter 3-2-15

March 02, 2015
The NHS will be taking a service trip to Missionary Flights International to help them prepare for an upcoming open house.  Students will be washing planes, cleaning the interior, and helping with preparing the facilities for their big event.  We encourage the students to wear clothing th...

Newsletter 2-23-15

February 23, 2015
The NJHS is currently collecting gently used clothing for a mission-minded organization that provides free clothing to needy school-aged children (3-18) in the community.  We are encouraging all families to keep an eye out for nice clothing that may no longer fit or that hasn’t seen the ...

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