Morningside Academy Morningside Academy  Logo

What grade levels are offered at Morningside Academy?

Morningside Academy offers Kindergarten through twelfth grade K3 and K4 classes are also offered at Little Friends Preschool right on the Lower School campus (772-335-5244).

How long has Morningside Academy been in existence?

Morningside Academy opened its doors in 1987.

Is Morningside Academy affiliated with a church?

Morningside Academy is a ministry of Morningside Church.

What are the school hours?

Lower School:

Kindergarten:  8:15 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.

Grades 1-2:  8:15 a.m. – 2:40 p.m.

Grades 3-5:  8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Upper School:  7:50 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.

Does MA have extended care available?

Morning care is available from 7:00 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.

Aftercare is available until 5:30 p.m.

What is the tuition?

Tuition rates vary with the grade level of the student and begin as low as $498 per month.

Is financial assistance available?

Limited assistance is available for new and existing families. 

Multiple child discounts are also available. 

Morningside Academy accepts the Step-Up for Students scholarship for those who qualify.

Please visit the Financial Assistance section for more information on how to apply.

Is MA accredited?

Morningside Academy is accredited by the Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (FACCS), and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA).

What credentials do MA teachers have?

All teachers have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and many have their Master’s. All are certified through FACCS.

What is the enrollment?

Current enrollment at MA is 550+ students K-12.

What is the teacher/student ratio?

Our average class size is 20. Middle and High School class sizes vary with the class offered.

Do students at MA wear uniforms?

Our students are required to wear uniforms, which are sold through our on-site uniform store located on the Lower School campus.

What is the age requirement for my child to enter Kindergarten at MA?

To enter Kindergarten at MA, a child must turn five (5) on or before October 1st and be able to pass the entrance test. Testing is done before any child enters Morningside Academy. 

If a child wishing to enter Kindergarten participates in the Step-Up Scholarship program, the state of Florida mandates that the child must be five (5) on or before September 1st.

Does MA offer transportation?

We do not offer bus transportation except for team sporting events. 

Does Morningside Academy administer standardized testing?

Standardized testing is administered every year at every grade level in the spring – we use the SAT 10 as our testing tool.

How do MA students fare on college entrance testing (SAT/ACT)? 

Each year our students, on average, score higher than students throughout the State of Florida,  For instance, on the ACT our Class of 2010 averaged a composite score of 24.5, five points higher the State average of 19.5. 

What curriculum does Morningside Academy use?

At the elementary and middle school levels, A Beka and Bob Jones are the primary curriculums used. Both are Bible-based curriculums. There is a variety of book sources used at the high school level, the emphasis being on Bible-based materials.

Are honors-level classes offered?

All of our subjects are taught at an advanced level. Dual enrollment is available through Palm Beach Atlantic for our juniors and seniors at no extra cost to our students.

Is a foreign language taught?

K-5: Spanish is taught once a week

Middle/High School: Spanish I, II

Does Morningside Academy offer fine arts?

Weekly violin lessons are taught as part of the student’s tuition. MA boasts three award-winning orchestras: elementary, middle school, high school. Vocal music is taught weekly; elementary classes perform a minimum of three major musical productions each year. Drama is offered at all levels. 

What sports are available at Morningside Academy?

Students at the elementary level are taught the rudiments of various team sports during regular physical education classes. Our middle school belongs to the Treasure Coast Athletic Conference (TCAC); our high school is a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA).

Sports available:

Boys: cross country, golf, basketball, baseball, track, tennis

Girls: cross country, volleyball, basketball, softball, track, tennis, cheer

For more information, please see our Athletics section.

What extracurricular activities are available for MA students?

Drama, National Elementary Honor Society (4th,5th, and 6th grades), Junior Honor Society (Middle School), National Honor Society (High School), Student Government, Photography Club, Fine Arts Festival, Creative Writing Festival, Washington Trip, Field Trips, Mission Trips

How is discipline handled at Morningside Academy?

All discipline, like all education, is the responsibility of the parent. We walk alongside the parent to “train a child in the way he should go”. A color-coded system is used to communicate behavioral progress in the elementary years, while a merit/demerit system is used at the middle and high school levels. More specific information is outlined in our Student/Parent handbooks at both levels.

How does the enrollment process work?

Enrollment packets are available at the main office. A step-by-step application procedure is outlined in the packet. Once the preliminary forms and registration fee have been received, the potential student will be assigned a test date. After the test has been scored, a conference will be set up between parents and the administrator (at the elementary level); between the parents, student and administrator at the Upper School (6-12) level. The candidate will receive an acceptance letter at which time the remaining paperwork and financial obligations should be taken care of so that the student may be placed onto the roster.


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