Morningside Academy Morningside Academy  Logo

Mission Statement

Morningside Academy serves to nurture the spirit, educate the mind, and train the body to shape Christian citizen-servants for the next generation of leadership.

Statement of Purpose

Morningside Academy is a ministry of Morningside Evangelical Friends Church of Port St. Lucie, Florida. We exist to help all of the children entrusted to our care to come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and then to be conformed to His likeness. Our philosophy is God-centered in that all of the subjects we teach are related to the teachings of Christ and to God’s creation and His ordering. We believe in academic excellence and in maintaining high standards of conduct for our children.

We recognize that parents are primarily responsible for the education of their children. The school exists to assist, not replace, the home and the church.

Academic and Spiritual Excellence

Morningside Academy currently enrolls over 375 students in kindergarten through 12th grade. We seek to honor God in all that we do, and provide a loving prayer filled atmosphere where students are encouraged and supported to discover and use their spiritual gifts.

It is our desire to provide a Christian education where Biblical principles are taught through the life and attitude of the teacher, a Bible centered curriculum and consistent integration of thought, word and deed. Morningside Academy adopts the historic view of life as presented in the Bible. Since God created and sustains everything through His Son, Jesus Christ, the world and life are God centered and should Glorify Him. True education has God alone at its center.


Morningside Academy adopts the historic Christian view of life as presented in the Bible. Since God created and sustains everything through His Son, Jesus Christ, the world and life are God-centered and should glorify Him. Man, being a sinner by nature and choice, cannot glorify or know God apart from being regenerated through personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior by faith.

The total process of education, therefore, must seek a restoration of the pupil to a position of true knowledge, righteousness and holiness in Christ by relating the whole person to God spiritually, mentally, socially and physically. True education has God alone as its center. Such education is primarily the parent’s responsibility and the school functions as an extension of home to aid the parents in providing this education. 

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Google Maps2180 S.E. Morningside Blvd. Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Phone: 772-335-3231       Fax: 772-335-7323
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