Morningside Academy Morningside Academy  Logo


Morningside Academy is accredited by both the Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (FACCS), and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA). By being an accredited member of FACCS, Morningside Academy is also affiliated with the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA). 

FAACS and MSA Accreditation

What is FACCS and MSA Accreditation?

Accreditation is a valuable achievement among schools in our nation and around the world. To the general public, potential students and their parents, current administration and faculty members, current students, and all associated stakeholders, the achievement of “FACCS Accredited” status says:

  • We have voluntarily chosen to seek external validation of our performance as a school
  • We have gone through a rigorous, impartial evaluation by FACCS, which included peer school administrators, and have met or exceeded the standards.
  • We have created and are committed to a dynamic School Improvement Plan, therefore we are always looking for ways to improve who we are and what we do.

The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA) - among the premier accrediting associations in the world - pioneered the accreditation of colleges and schools in the United States more than a century ago. Today, as the Association celebrates its 125th Anniversary, Middle States accreditation remains a prestigious validation of educational excellence and dynamic school improvement in traditional and nontraditional schools worldwide.  MSA is a voluntary, non-profit organization of educational institutions committed to excellence in all levels across the continuum of education, whose purposes are to encourage, advance, assist and sustain the quality and integrity of education.

NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI Accreditation

Morningside Academy is also proudly accredited by NCA CASI, NWAC and SACS CASI, an accrediting division of AdvancED.  Our accreditation demonstrates our dedication to continuous improvement in all that we do.  We are committed to raising student achievement and providing a safe and enriching learning environment, etc.


When a school becomes accredited, the following areas are closely examined in relation to the standards:

  • quality and continuity of the school’s leadership and governance
  • condition of school facilities
  • finances and fiscal stability
  • track record of student performance
  • academic standards of excellence and Christian emphasis
  • courses as they relate to transferability
  • effectiveness of student services
  • conditions of health and safety
  • qualifications of administration, faculty, and staff
  • commitment to long-range planning

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