Verse: Proverbs 3:5
Bible: DiscipleZone (white paper) due Wednesday (01/11)
Spelling: Study List 13
Math: 1 – 9 Families
Bears-HB 96, 97 KB 55-57
Tigers-HB 96, 97 SS 114-116
Lions-HB 96, 97 TT 108-110
Verse: Proverbs 3:5
Bible: DiscipleZone (white paper) due Wednesday (01/11)
Spelling: Study List 13
Math: 1 – 9 Families
Bears-HB 96, 97 KB 55-57
Tigers-HB 96, 97 SS 114-116
Lions-HB 96, 97 TT 108-110
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