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current event article

December 07, 2016

Several times throughout the year we will present current event articles in history class.  We study the past to learn many things about our world, culture, ourselves.  We also sometimes get insight into why things are the way they are today.  Current events help us look at the happenings in our world.  I will always give the students the weekend to find an article as I know many people no longer get a paper delivered to their home.  Articles from on-line news sources are fine, but the article must be printed.  All articles must be brought into the classroom.  If from a magazine, the entire magazine may be brought in if you do not wish the article taken out.

Guidelines:  Students must find a news article from a newspaper, magazine, or on-line source.  Hard copy must be brought into the classroom.  Students will read the article and write down 3 interesting facts to share with the class in their journals.  Articles must be appropriate for school.  Students will write down the source (where) the article is from and the basic topic along with the facts.  On the day due, students will share their facts with the class.  Pictures are fine to go along with the article.  A 100 for a history quiz grade will be given if completed.

Please make sure subject nature of the article is appropriate for school.  We want to examine world happenings while remembering we are only 5th graders.  Facts should not be too graphic or things that may upset other students in the class.  Your help in the screening process is appreciated.  I hope this will be fun as well as educational.

December calendar

November 30, 2016

Luke 2

November 30, 2016

Bible verse

Sabatino Sentinal

November 15, 2016
Just wanted to let you know we have completed our second in class book report.  I gave the first one to the students directly and spoke to each student individually about what they did well and what needed to be improved.  I also read several excellent examples to the class.  The first report should be in the pocket of the assignment book or the spiral notebook language section.  The next one will be in the Wednesday packet.  If you have any questions about my comments, please let me know.
We are doing our second quarter history project this week.  Students will have been assigned a topic by the end of the day today. Some students will do a country bag book just like the last one.  I will be sending those home this week also.  Other students have been assigned a person.  This project is a "mini-poster".  I will give the students a piece of construction paper to use.  They will include the name of the person, their name, a picture of the person, map of country or place of ministry with capital if applicable, flag of country if applicable, and three facts written in paragraph form about the person relating them to our chapter.  These directions are on the website on my page with an example picture of each project.  I will go over these with the students also.  Feel free to email any questions or stop by the classroom to take a look at the examples in person.  I'd like students who have someone in chapter 8 to present these next week.  If you have computer or printer issues, please contact me asap.  Thanks
Mrs. Sab

Sabatino sentinal

November 10, 2016


As the holidays approach, students get very excited.  We have some extra activities and days off too.  We will continue our studies as well.  It is important that homework still be done and studying be kept up.  Please check the calendar for tests and assignments.  Another great place to keep up with progress is headmaster.  Call the office if you need your user name and password.

Next week we have a small group going to a bank office for the Christmas Kids radio show.  They will be doing this Thursday, November 17.  The show is from 11-11:30 if you wish to listen on AM 1290.  Chapel is Friday next week featuring our first grade Thanksgiving program.

 The week after is a short week because of Thanksgiving.  We will have our traditional Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday.  Students and some parents have already purchased lunch for that day, but anyone is welcome to join us.  Be looking for a letter from our room moms about drinks and desserts.  We will be eating on our usual green patio outside our classrooms.  See your homeroom teacher for your "ticket" for lunch.

After Thanksgiving we dive into the Christmas season.  Many events are going on with Morningside School and Church.  These will be on the calendar as well as posted here.  I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving.  Where has the year gone!


Mrs. Sab

Sabatino sentinal

October 29, 2016


It's hard to believe the first quarter is already over.  Where has the time gone.  Our biggest area in which to improve is studying.  Nightly review is essential for success.  Knowledge of vocabulary in any given subject, math facts, and homework practice will help this process.  We have begun a note taking process to enhance the history study.  The study help class will continue Mondays until Thanksgiving with the exception of November 7.  We may concentrate on individual subjects after that.

With the holidays approaching, students get very excited.  We will have some fun activities along with all the academics.  Please discuss keeping focused during this exciting time with your student.  We will contact parents about Thanksgiving feast and Christmas party help.  It is important that students be at school unless they are ill.  Thank you for all your help and support so far

There is one need remaining for the classroom.  I only have a vacuumer on Mondays. I would like at least two other days if possible.  Please contact me if you can come in any afternoon or morning to help clean.  Thanks.


Mrs. Sab

November calendar

October 29, 2016

Holy Land fieldtrip

October 07, 2016

Sabatino Sentinal

October 01, 2016


It's hard to believe that we are already half way through the first quarter!  We will be sending grades home this week so that students know where they stand.  There are still a few more tests and quizzes this quarter.  There is time to bring grades up.  Nightly study is key.  We will also be contacting families who may need to consider some extra help in getting into the swing of our challenging curriculum. 

Monday study help class will continue for a few more weeks.  We will also being doing some math concept review during study hall times.  There may also be some basic grammar help with finding subjects and verbs.  A major help in being successful at Morningside Academy is the ability to memorize.  Know math facts.  Know be/helping verbs.  Know vocabulary words and definitions not only in spelling, but in science and history as well.  Memorize names with countries and facts.  Flash cards and studying with someone else, even over skype or other electronic app, is beneficial.

Contact us if you need to further discuss how to help your student be successful.  Your're all in our prayers!


Mrs. Sab

October calendar

October 01, 2016

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